Province Detail
Province CodeMB
Province NameManitoba
Province Short NameAM
Province Registered Since2014-01-01
Province Registered Till2020-12-31
Province Logo in JPGLogo JPG
Province ContactsE-Mail:
Phone (Work): 2049 25 56 97
Province Roles
President From To
Navarro Honesto 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Potrebka Walter 2 May 2015 2 May 2015
Oneschuk Vickie 1 June 2018 1 June 2018
Vice-President From To
Wilson Ed 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Yaremchuk Tim 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Potrebka Walter 7 August 2014 2 May 2015
Secretary From To
Mcginnis Graeme 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Treasurer From To
Tataryn Robert 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Membership From To
Navarro Honesto 7 August 2014 7 August 2014
Clark Deb 20 January 2019
Province Notes
Active Clubs
Club CodeClub NameClub Contacts
MB68017 Wing Archery Club
MB1Archery Manitoba
673Asessippi Archery Club
MB675Bows, Broads & Bullseyes Archery ClubE-Mail:
MB663Brandon Wildlife Association
MB691Carberry Archers
MB689Flat Creek Archers
681Flatlanders Archery Club
682Fort La Bosse Wildlife Archery Club
MB692Hamiota Archery Club
686Heights Archery Academy
MB665Interlake Archers
MB5Manitoba Bowhunting Records Club
MB668Minnedosa Archery Club
MB679Mockingjay Archers
MB672North Star Archers
MB690Pembina Archers Association
MB666Plainsmen Archery Club
MB676Prairie Bowhunters Archery Club
MB688Robin Hood Pole Archery Club
MB694Roblin Archery Club
MB670Selkirk Archers & Bowhunters
MB673Shilo Archery Club
MB685Snake Creek / Westman Target Archers
MB667South East Archers
684South Mountain Archery Hunters & Shooters
MB671St. Sebastian Pole Archery Club
MB669St. Sebastianette Pole ArcheryE-Mail:
683The Witty Belgian Archers
MB678Thompson Archers & Bowhunters
689Traditional Bowhunters
675Vermillion Archers
MB693Westman Outdoor Group
MB677Winnipeg River Bowhunters
MB664Yellow Head Bowhunters
Active Archers