Competition Detail
Competition Code2023020
Date18 February 2023
OrganizerON - Ontario Association of Archers
PlaceHuntsville , 21 Veteran's Way Huntsville, ON P1H 1P3
NameA.I.M - Archers In Muskoka (NE)
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered WA/AC)
NotesA.I.M - Archers In Muskoka (NE)
FITA 1 - 18m starting at 8:30 AM
10-Ring Fita Single or Three spot target (60 arrows at 18m).

Registered for Ao and AC Records

Archery Ontario membership is required to win championship medals and may be paid at the door.

Guests are welcome however there are no awards and their scores will not be published.
To Register contact - we will send back a form and payment details

Approved by Zoe 2022-12-02