Competition Detail
Competition Code2023064
Date4 March 2023
OrganizerAB486 - Lloydminster and Area Archers
PlaceLAA Youth Centre
NameLAA Regional Indoor Championships
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered AC))
OptionsRegional Indoor Championship Site
NotesApproved by Zoe 2023-01-16
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Men
1 1 Djukic Jovica SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers529 13 28
2 2 Kent-Rodgman Chris SK232 Saskatoon Straight Shooters515 14 19
Barebow Master Men
1 1 Rendle Vance AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers465 6 15
Compound Cub Men
1 1 St. Amant Jordy Simon SK027 Battle River Archers555 17 41
Compound Cub Women
1 1 Kuntz Sara SK027 Battle River Archers481 4 23
2 2 Keichinger Sydni SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers505 3 30
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 St. Amant Michael SK027 Battle River Archers525 8 39
2 2 McIntosh Seth SK027 Battle River Archers540 15 32
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Durovick Ryanne AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers409 1 17
2 2 Lan Callie AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers540 12 39
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Kuntz Ty SK027 Battle River Archers550 17 38
2 2 Stephens Spencer SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers478 4 24
Compound Men
1 1 Stene Mathew SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers534 8 40
Compound Master Men
1 1 Hames Murray AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers565 25 35
Compound Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Djukic Miras SK Saskatchewan550 19 35
2 2 Skinner Silas AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers563 23 37
3 3 Nasby Hunter SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers355 1 10
4 4 Baker Cody SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers440 0 19
Compound Women
1 1 Mitrofanov Natalia SK027 Battle River Archers474 2 25
2 2 Rendle Miranda AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers518 8 34
Compound Fixed Pin Men
1 1 Keichinger Kenneth SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers515 5 40
2 2 Charbonneau David SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers565 25 35
3 3 Stephens Bill SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers548 13 42
Recurve Cadet Men
1 1 Malone Michael AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers449 1 17
Recurve Junior Men
1 1 Durovick Tristan AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers502 5 31
Compound Unlimited Men
1 1 Diehl Darren SK027 Battle River Archers563 27 29
Compound Unlimited Women
1 1 St. Amant Sarah SK027 Battle River Archers551 14 43