Competition Detail
Competition Code2023169
Date26 March 2023
OrganizerNS - Nova Scotia
PlaceOsprey Archery Club
Name2023 ANS Indoor Target Provincial Championships
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered AC)
OptionsRegister for Canadian Records Only
NotesThe ANS Indoor Target Provincial Championships are being hosted at Osprey Archery Club on 26 March 2023.

All archers are invited to attend this event,

The event will have the following start times:
9:00am - Registration Start & Equipment Check
9:45am - Practice
10:00am - Start Shooting

Approved by Zoe 2023-03-13
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Master50 Men
1 1 Poperezhai Oleh NS452 Osprey Archery Club557 20 36
2 2 Wynn Tom NS452 Osprey Archery Club506 7 35
Compound Master50 Women
1 1 Lefler Melanie NS100 Glooscap Heritage Archers Association533 11 36
Compound Cub Men
1 1 England Jedrik NS389 Annapolis East Archery Club510 7 38
2 2 Warren Maximus NS407 St. Mary's Archers of Truro408 2 13
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Poperezhai Daryna NS452 Osprey Archery Club541 17 33
2 2 Goodland Gabrielle NS452 Osprey Archery Club320 4 9
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Boutilier Kolby NS452 Osprey Archery Club562 23 36
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Challa Jyotsna NS452 Osprey Archery Club546 19 36
Compound Men
1 1 Warren Ronald NS Nova Scotia382 2 11
Recurve Master50 Men
1 1 Cossey Keith NS452 Osprey Archery Club485 11 17
2 2 Sauve Pierre NS002 Archery Nova Scotia465 7 16
Recurve Junior Women
1 1 Lipford Morgan NS002 Archery Nova Scotia524 16 25
Compound Unlimited Men
1 1 Harpell Chad W NS407 St. Mary's Archers of Truro551 22 36
2 2 Rose Sebastien NS452 Osprey Archery Club548 14 40