Competition Detail
Competition Code2023238
Date30 April 2023
OrganizerAB479 - Jimbows Junior Archery Club
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered AC))
OptionsRegister for Canadian Records Only - Pre-Registration Required
NotesPlease note: 60m is the farthest distance at this location. Preregistration is required.

Approved by Zoe 2023-04-24
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Warwa Riley AB059 Sherwood Park Archery Club665 0 0
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Farwell Quinn AB687 Carbon and District Agricultural Society604 0 0
2 2 Paziuk Amy NT Northwest Territories535 0 0
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Berge Adam AB Alberta Target Archers Association680 0 0
Compound Master Women
1 1 Groszko Dawn AB479 Jimbows Junior Archery Club658 0 0