Competition Detail
Competition Code2023388
Date23 July 2023
OrganizerBC068 - Quesnel River Archers
PlaceQuesnel BC, QRA Outdoor Venue
NameQRA Outdoor 720
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered WA/AC))
OptionsRegister for World & Canadian Records - Pre-Registration Required
NotesThe second of two 72 arrow Rounds (720) on this day to be shot in the PM.
Pre-Registration only
For more information/Registration contact Dale by email at

Approved by Zoe 2023-07-05
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Master50 Women
1 1 Murray Lora-Lee BC068 Quesnel River Archers469 0 3
Barebow Cadet Women
1 1 Perry Maren BC055 Silvertip Archers386 0 0
Compound Master60 Men
1 1 Campsall Al BC083 Cariboo Archers Association651 0 9
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Johnson Seth BC055 Silvertip Archers674 0 12
2 2 D'Entremont Kayden BC068 Quesnel River Archers653 0 4
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Fraser Lily BC083 Cariboo Archers Association633 0 4
2 2 Novak Brooklynn BC068 Quesnel River Archers624 0 4
Compound Men
1 1 D'Entremont Adam BC068 Quesnel River Archers685 0 15
2 2 Johnson Kurt BC055 Silvertip Archers680 0 12
Compound Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Johnson Levi BC055 Silvertip Archers589 0 5
Compound Women
1 1 Fraser Cara BC083 Cariboo Archers Association581 0 2