Competition Detail
Competition Code2017304
Date14 May 2017
OrganizerMB670 - Selkirk Archers & Bowhunters
PlaceEast Selkirk, MB
NameSelkirk Archers
DescriptionInternational Championship
NotesApproved by Al 2017/6/6
Remember to have Christine add to AC Calendar
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Cub Women
1 1 Richards Kara MB662 Team Heartland 480 0 0
2 2 Shpak Nattasha MB Manitoba457 0 0
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Comberbach Robbie MB1 Archery Manitoba616 0 0
2 2 Klassen Brady MB1 Archery Manitoba609 0 0
3 3 Cherniak Ryan MB1 Archery Manitoba561 0 0
4 4 Cherniak Kyle MB1 Archery Manitoba537 0 0
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Potrebka Simon MB1 Archery Manitoba597 0 0
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Lameg Bryanne MB1 Archery Manitoba607 0 0
Compound Men
1 1 Brown Keenan MB1 Archery Manitoba633 0 0
Compound Master Men
1 1 Taylor Kelly MB1 Archery Manitoba529 0 0
Recurve Men
1 1 Fox Mike MB1 Archery Manitoba439 0 0
2 2 Reichert Braden MB1 Archery Manitoba232 0 0
Recurve Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Wilson Ryder MB Manitoba408 0 0