Competition Detail
Competition Code2019172
Date1 March 2019
2 March 2019
OrganizerAB486 - Lloydminster and Area Archers
PlaceYouth center
DescriptionNational Championship
Notescan you please add this date to our already registered shoot date of 2019-03-02 reg number 2019030 if any questions or problems please email me thanks

Approved by Kylah 19/2/2019
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Cub Women
1 1 Miller Nina AB670 CJ Archery210 0 0
Barebow Men
1 1 Rendle Vance AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers505 0 0
Barebow Master Men
1 1 Bosch Gary AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers501 0 0
2 2 Cobb Garth AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers415 0 0
Compound Cub Men
1 1 Trach Seth SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers501 0 0
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Fehr Reid SK429 Beaver River Archery Club559 0 0
3 3 Stephens Brett AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers508 0 0
4 4 Trach Joshua SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers470 0 0
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Lakusta Jade AB Alberta Target Archers Association477 0 0
2 2 Cavanagh Hailey SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers473 0 0
Compound Pre-Cub Women
1 1 Cobb Mya AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers512 0 0
Compound Fixed Pin Men
1 1 Fehr Darcy SK429 Beaver River Archery Club527 0 0
Compound Fixed Pin Master Men
1 1 Stephens Rick AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers531 0 0