Competition Detail
Competition Code2020087
Date11 January 2020
OrganizerAB063 - Calgary Archers Club
Placecalgary archery center
NameFita 18m
OptionsRegister for Canadian Records Only
NotesCalgary Archers Indoor Target Shoot
2019/2020 Indoor Season

When: Sunday, Jan 11, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM Doors Open / Registration
9:00 – 9:45 AM Practice
10:00 Scoring

"Shoot limited to first 38 archers to register"

Type of Shoot: FITA 18 M 600
Venue: Calgary Archery Centre
4855 – 47 Street SE Calgary Alberta
Event Type: Registered Shoot (Archery Canada)

Preregistration by email to Alan Beres
Include: Age, Gender and Equipment Category

Approved by Kylah 2020-01-02