Competition Detail
Competition Code2022082
Date5 March 2022
OrganizerAB486 - Lloydminster and Area Archers
PlaceLloydminster Fish and Game Youth Centre
NameYouth Centre
DescriptionMajor Regional Championship
OptionsRegional Indoor Championship Site - Register for Canadian Records Only - Pre-Registration Required
NotesApproved by Zoe 2022-02-15
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Master Men
1 1 Bosch Gary AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers509 14 14
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Stephan Jacob AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers530 7 46
2 2 Malone Michael AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers509 8 26
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Lan Callie AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers522 6 34
Compound Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Charbonneau Hudson SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers543 12 40
Compound Fixed Pin Men
1 1 Charbonneau David SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers556 27 30
Compound Fixed Pin Women
1 1 Charbonneau Dannell SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers541 13 35