Détails de la compétition
Code de compétition2023084
DateMarch 5, 2023
OrganisateurAB492 - Lakeland Archers
LieuLakeland Archers Indoor Target Range 6781 RGE RD 142
Nom2023 Regional Indoor Site
DescriptionCanadian Target Championships (Reg WA/AC)
OptionsRegional Indoor Championship Site - Register for Canadian Records Only
NotesCost: $25.00 Individual and $15:00 Club Team

1:00pm - Registration, Equipment Insp., Practice
1:30pm - Official Shooting Begins

Whisker Biscuit Cafe will have concession on site.

Note: Dress Code will be required as per
Archery Canada Rules

Approved by Zoe 2023-01-24