Competition Detail
Competition Code2025130
Date2 March 2025
OrganizerSK339 - Lloydminster & Area Archers
PlaceLAA Youth Centre
NameLAA Regional Indoor Championships
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered AC))
OptionsRegional Indoor Championship Site - Register for Canadian Records Only - Pre-Registration Required
NotesApproved by kylah 2025-02-13
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Cadet Men
1 1 Lowes James AB434 Vegreville Wildlife Federation293 1 6
2 2 Lehmann Tobias AB434 Vegreville Wildlife Federation279 2 5
Barebow Cadet Women
1 1 Bibkewich Kate AB434 Vegreville Wildlife Federation346 2 3
2 2 Perpelitz Abby AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers292 1 2
Compound Master50 Men
1 1 Hames Murray AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers567 27 39
Compound Cub Men
2 2 Harris Kason AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers410 1 10
Compound Cub Women
1 1 Keichinger Saydi SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers491 3 32
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Keichinger Sydni SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers564 24 36
2 2 Mouyios Sophia AB434 Vegreville Wildlife Federation536 9 40
3 3 Williams Quinn SK223 Spiritwood Spirited Arrows498 11 32
4 4 Reiniger Kayleigh AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers496 9 24
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Malone Michael AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers537 12 36
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Lowes Layne AB434 Vegreville Wildlife Federation512 4 38
Compound Men
1 1 Keichinger Kenneth SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers525 16 30
Compound Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Charbonneau Austin SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers486 3 26
2 2 Eidsvik Knox AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers472 2 19
Hunter Men
1 1 Eidsvik Brady AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers531 10 35
2 2 Harris Brad AB486 Lloydminster and Area Archers510 6 35
Compound Unlimited Men
1 1 Stene Mathew SK339 Lloydminster & Area Archers553 20 35