Competition Detail
Competition CodeCWA17068
Date23 July 2017
OrganizerON086 - Peterborough Archers
PlacePeterborough, ON
NameWA Field Round
DescriptionCanadian Target Championships (Reg WA/AC)

FITA Field Round Starts at 10:00 am sharp

Approved by Al 2017/3/3
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Master Men
1 1 Hovey Michael ON9 Ontario Association of Archers142 4 3
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Maude Fiona ON9 Ontario Association of Archers374 33 22
Compound Men
1 1 Watts Tim ON9 Ontario Association of Archers382 28 38
3 3 Stone Joshua ON9 Ontario Association of Archers356 22 25
4 4 Potter Christopher ON9 Ontario Association of Archers305 5 20
5 5 Woodcock Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers279 10 10
Compound Master Men
2 2 Clapp Kevin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers346 18 26
3 3 Clayton Dave ON9 Ontario Association of Archers339 15 31
4 4 Kennedy Ralph ON9 Ontario Association of Archers338 12 30
6 6 Farrow Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers283 8 12
Compound Master Women
1 1 West Diane ON9 Ontario Association of Archers255 6 14
Compound Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Taylor Sam ON9 Ontario Association of Archers271 4 15
Compound Women
1 1 Savage Racheal ON9 Ontario Association of Archers341 17 26
2 2 Watts Meg ON9 Ontario Association of Archers323 14 19
Compound Fixed Pin Master Men
1 1 Priester Chris ON9 Ontario Association of Archers381 32 29
Recurve Men
1 1 Sorley Conner SK7 Saskatchewan Archery Association343 16 32
2 2 Fulsang Bradley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers325 12 27
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Hogan Matthew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers231 5 9