Club Detail
Club CodeMB669
Club NameSt. Sebastianette Pole Archery
Club Short NameSt. Sebastianette
Club Registered Since2017-01-01
Club Registered Till2020-12-31
ProvinceMB - Manitoba
Club Logo in JPGLogo JPG
Club ContactsE-Mail:
Club Roles
President From To
Pines Irene 1 March 2017 21 March 2018
Pines Irene 21 March 2018 20 March 2020
Vice-President From To
Vandale Leona 1 March 2017 21 March 2018
Vandale Leona 21 March 2018 20 March 2020
Secretary From To
Vouriot Patricia-Marie 1 March 2017 1 March 2017
Vouriot Patsy 1 March 2017 21 March 2018
Clark Carly 20 June 2018 20 March 2020
Treasurer From To
Clark Deb 1 March 2017 21 March 2018
Clark Deb 21 March 2018 20 March 2020
Club NotesOur archery season runs from May to September. We shoot Pole Archery outdoors. We'd love to have you join us in unique archery discipline.
Active Archers