Competition Detail
Competition Code2018589
Date8 August 2018
11 August 2018
OrganizerAC-TAC - Archery Canada/Tir a l'Arc Canada
PlaceDublin Ohio
NameUSA Nationals - Day 2
DescriptionNational Championship
NotesCreated for scores.

Created and approved by Kylah 15/8/2018
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Men
9 0 Nott Robbie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers698 0 0
Compound Women
9 0 Roth Katie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers674 0 0
Recurve Men
5 5 Permaul Devin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers585 0 0
9 0 Fulsang Bradley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers648 0 0
17 0 Xuereb Brandon ON9 Ontario Association of Archers646 0 0
17 0 Peters Eric ON9 Ontario Association of Archers606 0 0
17 0 Deabreu Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers599 0 0
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Wong Charles MB1 Archery Manitoba492 0 0