Competition Detail
Competition Code2019475
Date29 June 2019
OrganizerON655 - Thunder Head East Archers
PlaceSouth Bruce Peninsula, ON
DescriptionClub/Local Event
NotesDouble 720 & T2S Sat
$35 Sat, $20 Sun. Lunch included Sat
10AM scoring.. field open at 9AM
contact to register. 10 poistions at 50M 3 positions for T2S

Approved by Kylah 2019-05-28
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Men
1 1 Szpulak Szymon ON9 Ontario Association of Archers639 24 9
2 2 Reid Larry ON9 Ontario Association of Archers626 18 6
Compound Master Men
1 1 Cooper Mort ON9 Ontario Association of Archers643 21 9
Compound Master Women
1 1 Van Nest Karen ON9 Ontario Association of Archers658 25 9
2 2 Cooper Donna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers522 4 1
Compound Women
2 2 Madahbee Sheila ON9 Ontario Association of Archers616 18 6