Détails de la compétition
Code de compétition2021034
DateJune 12, 2021
OrganisateurON645 - Golden Arrow Archers
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered AC))
OptionsRegister for Canadian Records Only
NotesApproved 2021-05-17

Classement final Rang de qualification Archer Club Total Or X/Nines
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Watson Dustin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers677 40 10
Compound Men
1 1 Fagan Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers706 58 28
2 2 Shotlander Mike ON9 Ontario Association of Archers673 33 9
Compound Master Men
1 1 Horlock Robin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers643 27 9
Recurve Men
1 1 Permaul Devin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers639 15 7
2 2 Fulsang Bradley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers585 14 6
3 3 Deabreu Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers583 8 6