Competition Detail
Competition Code2021150
Date11 September 2021
12 September 2021
OrganizerON086 - Peterborough Archers
NameOntario Target Championships
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered WA/AC)
OptionsRegister for World & Canadian Records - Pre-Registration Required
NotesRecurves 2 x 720 Saturday
Compounds 2 x 720 Sunday

AC approved on August 23/21
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Cub Women
1 1 Todoric Helena ON9 Ontario Association of Archers395 3 0
Barebow Master Men
1 1 Zimmerman George ON9 Ontario Association of Archers520 3 0
2 2 Hovey Michael ON9 Ontario Association of Archers170 0 0
Barebow Pre-Cub Men
1 1 Riches Lucas ON9 Ontario Association of Archers448 4 2
Barebow Women
1 1 Coombe Olivia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers511 3 2
2 2 Hall Maya ON9 Ontario Association of Archers421 3 0
Recurve Cub Women
1 1 Riches Ella ON9 Ontario Association of Archers303 1 0
Recurve Cadet Men
1 1 Villanueva Dylan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers609 11 3
2 2 Thananchyan Durvishan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers560 5 0
3 3 Ng Kurtis ON9 Ontario Association of Archers474 2 0
4 4 Cyr Noah ON9 Ontario Association of Archers362 2 1
Recurve Cadet Women
1 1 Gagne Amelia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers560 7 2
2 2 Chan Natalee ON9 Ontario Association of Archers580 12 7
3 3 Wilson Zohy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers494 6 1
Recurve Junior Men
1 1 Gupta Devaang ON9 Ontario Association of Archers640 22 4
2 2 Lee Benjamen ON9 Ontario Association of Archers618 15 1
3 3 De Shane-Gill Aidan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers589 9 3
4 4 Oderkirk Dawson SK667 Viscount Archery Club558 2 1
5 5 Kalenda Victor ON9 Ontario Association of Archers545 10 4
6 6 Kubica Jamie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers559 9 1
7 7 Thomas Matthew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers562 11 4
Recurve Junior Women
1 1 Corona Charlise ON9 Ontario Association of Archers425 3 0
Recurve Men
1 1 Xuereb Brandon ON9 Ontario Association of Archers638 18 5
2 2 Azores Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers634 21 7
3 3 Fulsang Bradley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers624 17 5
4 4 Wilson-Poyton Reece ON9 Ontario Association of Archers613 16 4
5 5 Verdugo-Paredes Emilio ON9 Ontario Association of Archers611 14 6
6 6 Deabreu Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers578 13 2
7 7 Permaul Devin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers564 7 4
8 8 Tseng Victor ON9 Ontario Association of Archers571 13 4
9 9 van der Ploeg Norman ON067 The Archers of Caledon542 8 1
10 10 Crandall Alex ON9 Ontario Association of Archers531 6 4
11 11 Bogoev John ON9 Ontario Association of Archers533 6 0
12 12 Gayowsky Sebastian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers436 4 1
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Konopacky Paul ON9 Ontario Association of Archers596 13 0
Recurve Master Women
1 1 Relf Cathy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers503 5 1
2 2 De Shane-Gill Subrena ON9 Ontario Association of Archers527 5 3
Recurve Women
1 1 Barrett Stephanie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers633 21 9
2 2 Esebua Kristina ON9 Ontario Association of Archers619 13 4
3 3 Tiffin Liliana ON9 Ontario Association of Archers563 9 3
4 4 Siedule Connie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers364 3 1
5 5 Rampton-Siedule Sandra ON9 Ontario Association of Archers325 1 1
6 6 Ireland Rachael ON9 Ontario Association of Archers309 0 0