Détails de la compétition
Code de compétition2023219
Date30 avril 2023
OrganisateurAB180 - Capital Region Archery Club
LieuCapital Region Archery Club
Nom18M indoor 600 FITA
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered AC))
OptionsRegister for Canadian Records Only - Pre-Registration Required
Notespractice at 9am scoring starts at 10am.
max 16 archers, first come first served, pre-registration required - no walk-ins allowed, second flight (1pm practice, 2 pm start).
to pre-register email Holkema@live.com by April 28th
*all covid protocols will be followed*

Approved by Zoe 2023-04-11
Classement final Rang de qualification Archer Club Total Or X/Nines
Barebow Women
1 1 Vavrek Amanda AB180 Capital Region Archery Club470 8 24
Compound Cub Men
1 1 Holkema Avry AB180 Capital Region Archery Club546 12 56
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Holkema Madelynn AB180 Capital Region Archery Club556 16 60
Compound Men
1 1 Holkema Shawn AB180 Capital Region Archery Club555 16 59
Recurve Junior Women
1 1 Dewling Alison AB180 Capital Region Archery Club487 6 24
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Lam Lawrence AB180 Capital Region Archery Club494 11 27
2 2 Block Laurice AB180 Capital Region Archery Club483 9 30