Competition Detail
Competition Code2023438
Date18 February 2023
OrganizerON129 - A.I.M- ARCHERS in MUSKOKA
PlaceHuntsville, ON
NameA.I.M - Archers In Muskoka (NE)
NotesDuplicate - Couldn't enter scores on other event
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 Northey Sophia ON Ontario Association of Archers535 11 35
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Northey Sophia ON Ontario Association of Archers557 17 40
Compound Unlimited Men
1 1 Law-Grant Colin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers557 17 40
2 2 Carvalho Danny ON9 Ontario Association of Archers539 12 38
3 3 Stroud Kevin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers514 9 35
Compound Unlimited Master Men
1 1 Carvalho Danny ON9 Ontario Association of Archers538 15 32
2 2 Stroud Kevin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers529 6 40