Competition Detail
Competition Code2024078
Date3 March 2024
OrganizerBC085 - Richmond Rod and Gun Club
PlaceRRGC - 7400 River Rd, Richmond BC, V6X 1X6
NameAC Regional Indoor Championship - 18M - RRGC
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered WA/AC))
NotesAM and PM flights
Registration information to come soon on RRGC Archery Facebook and Instragram account.

FB: httpa://

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Invitation PackageInvitation Package
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Cub Men
1 1 Kuyvenhoven Jasper BC472 HD Stafford Archery Club397 0 0
Barebow Men
1 1 Huang Raymond BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club546 0 0
2 2 Kuyvenhoven Peter BC472 HD Stafford Archery Club515 0 0
3 3 Butchart Stephen BC472 HD Stafford Archery Club442 0 0
Barebow Master Women
1 1 Orcutt Angela BC293 Starr Archery501 0 0
Barebow Pre-Cub Women
1 1 Butchart Remy BC472 HD Stafford Archery Club196 0 0
Barebow Women
1 1 Gordon Bernice BC648 Lykopis Archery Inc.444 0 0
Compound Men
1 1 Ignatius Alex BC321 Burnaby Archers588 0 0
2 2 Van Tassel Paul BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club581 0 0
3 3 Flaming Steven BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club557 0 0
4 4 Jordens Adam BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club503 0 0
Compound Master Men
1 1 Cooper Thomas BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club551 0 0
2 2 Zurberg Markus BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club543 0 0
3 3 Sandquist David BC472 HD Stafford Archery Club539 0 0
Compound Master Women
1 1 Cooper Launa BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club477 0 0
2 2 Zurberg Teresa BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club475 0 0
Compound Women
1 1 Chylinski Emma BC296 North Shore Archers570 0 0
2 2 Flaming Cecilia BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club540 0 0
3 3 He Delia BC296 North Shore Archers536 0 0
4 4 Perizzolo Lisa BC321 Burnaby Archers528 0 0
5 5 Mak Ashley BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club409 0 0
Recurve Cadet Men
1 1 Chan Cavic BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club518 0 0
2 2 Kodali Visisht BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 517 0 0
3 3 Kodali Venkata Vikhtyath BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 492 0 0
Recurve Cadet Women
1 1 Yang Yiyi BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 419 0 0
Recurve Junior Men
1 1 Chu Isaac BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club387 0 0
Recurve Men
1 1 Maxwell Brian BC293 Starr Archery579 0 0
2 2 Moore Greg BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 569 0 0
3 3 Desemery Alexandre BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club561 0 0
4 4 Hsu Cho Lun BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 552 0 0
Recurve Master Women
1 1 Wong Linda BC321 Burnaby Archers390 0 0
Recurve Women
1 1 Nguyen Tran Thuy Vi BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 456 0 0
2 2 Dean Chloe BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club381 0 0
3 3 Courtorielle Gabrielle BC001 BC Archery Association262 0 0