Competition Detail
Competition Code2021153
Date11 September 2021
12 September 2021
OrganizerON086 - Peterborough Archers
NameOntario Target Championship
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered WA/AC)
OptionsRegister for World & Canadian Records - Pre-Registration Required
NotesRecurves 2 x 720 Saturday
Compounds 2 x 720 Sunday

AC approved on Aug 23/21
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Compound Cub Women
1 1 O'Brien Celia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers564 8 0
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Watson Dustin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers683 39 18
2 2 Wang Cody ON9 Ontario Association of Archers613 15 5
3 3 Taylor Sam ON9 Ontario Association of Archers605 8 2
4 4 Hoy Trevor ON9 Ontario Association of Archers557 17 4
Compound Junior Men
1 1 Law-Grant Colin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers641 19 9
2 2 Thomas Evan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers635 18 3
Compound Junior Women
1 1 Cheung Katie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers542 5 4
Compound Men
1 1 Fagan Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers705 57 24
2 2 Nott Robbie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers687 43 23
3 3 Hartych Vitek ON9 Ontario Association of Archers686 40 15
4 4 Watts Tim ON9 Ontario Association of Archers665 29 15
5 5 Shotlander Mike ON9 Ontario Association of Archers660 38 14
6 6 Cooper Brian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers657 25 9
7 7 Reid Larry ON9 Ontario Association of Archers654 27 12
8 8 Messerschmidt Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers640 21 10
9 9 Barr Jay ON9 Ontario Association of Archers620 16 3
Compound Master Men
1 1 McKenty Sean ON9 Ontario Association of Archers659 26 6
2 2 Cooper Mort ON9 Ontario Association of Archers650 29 11
3 3 Horlock Robin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers648 19 4
4 4 Bourgeois Andy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers636 24 7
5 5 Fulsang Ken ON9 Ontario Association of Archers636 23 8
6 6 Landrie John ON9 Ontario Association of Archers631 14 5
Compound Master Women
1 1 Brouillette Renee ON9 Ontario Association of Archers556 9 2
Compound Women
1 1 McClean Fiona ON9 Ontario Association of Archers664 29 9
2 2 Horlock Kaitlyn ON9 Ontario Association of Archers663 25 11
3 3 Roth Katie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers661 27 12
4 4 Maude Fiona ON9 Ontario Association of Archers647 17 5
5 5 Lee Erin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers645 22 6
6 6 Daigle Brooke ON9 Ontario Association of Archers600 17 4