Competition Detail
Competition Code2024047
Date11 February 2024
OrganizerBC293 - Starr Archery
PlaceCamp Luther-Mission BC
Name18m Indoor Round
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered WA/AC))
OptionsRegister for World & Canadian Records - Pre-Registration Required
Notesregister with Linda Price:
Practice starts at 1130
Refer to the flyer in the view details link
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Master Women
1 1 Foley Angela BC293 Starr Archery499 0 0
2 2 Yuen Lisa BC321 Burnaby Archers494 0 0
Barebow Women
1 1 Gordon Bernice BC648 Lykopis Archery Inc.438 0 0
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Brant Logan BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club434 0 0
Compound Men
1 1 Van Tassel Paul BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club574 0 0
Compound Master Men
1 1 Zurberg Markus BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club567 0 0
2 2 Benstead Richard BC293 Starr Archery545 0 0
3 3 Brant Darren BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club543 0 0
4 4 Ratzlaff Jonathan BC293 Starr Archery511 0 0
Compound Master Women
1 1 Zurberg Teresa BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club510 0 0
Compound Women
1 1 He Delia BC296 North Shore Archers527 0 0
Recurve Men
1 1 Desemery Alexandre BC085 Richmond Rod & Gun Club573 0 0
2 2 Moore Greg BC293 Starr Archery566 0 0
3 3 Hsu Cho Lun BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 547 0 0
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Brennan Adrian BC296 North Shore Archers442 0 0
Recurve Master Women
1 1 Pinto Isabel BC293 Starr Archery416 0 0