Competition Detail
Competition Code2024443
Date5 October 2024
OrganizerBC085 - Richmond Rod and Gun Club
PlaceRRGC - 7400 River Rd, Richmond BC, V6X 1X6
NameRRGC - 18M - AM
DescriptionClub/Local Event (Registered WA/AC))
OptionsRegister for World & Canadian Records - Pre-Registration Required
Notes18M round AM flight

Schedule will be:
- 8:30 AM: Venue opening
- 9:00 AM: Check in and equipment inspections for AM start
- 9:30 AM: Timed practice on assigned targets
- 10:00 AM: First half (10 ends of 3 arrows) AB/C line
- 11:00 AM: Break 15 mins
- 11:15 AM: Second half (10 ends of 3 arrows) AB/C line
- 12:15 PM: Hand in score cards

Registration information to come soon on RRGC Archery Facebook and Instagram account.


Additional question directed to

Approved by Kylah 2024-09-09
Invitation PackageInvitation Package
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Women
1 1 Coo Jamie BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club403 0 0
Compound Master50 Men
1 1 Zurberg Markus BC096 Maple Ridge Archery Club550 0 0
Compound Men
1 1 Brewer Kiefer BC093 Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club572 0 0
Compound Women
2 2 He Delia BC296 North Shore Archers521 0 0
Recurve Master50 Women
1 1 Wong Linda BC321 Burnaby Archers481 0 0
Recurve Junior Men
1 1 Chan Cavic BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club531 0 0
Recurve Men
1 1 Maxwell Brian BC293 Starr Archery583 0 0
2 2 Desemery Alexandre BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club581 0 0
3 3 Shi Tim AC001 ACTAC International Members557 0 0
4 4 Hsu Cho Lun BC471 Richmond Archery - Gum Ying 552 0 0
5 5 Valyi Noah BC321 Burnaby Archers486 0 0
Recurve Women
1 1 Dean Chloe BC085 Richmond Rod and Gun Club444 0 0