Competition Detail
Competition Code2018019
Date4 March 2018
OrganizerON067 - The Archers of Caledon
PlaceCaledon ON
NameCanadian Indoor 2018 Championship (Regional Site Caledon)
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered WA/AC)
NotesCanadian Indoor Regional Championships

- Approved by Al 2017/9/24
Competition ResultsDivision/Class rank Division/Class rank
Division/Class Team rank Division/Class Team rank
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Men
1 1 Zoto Gentian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers511 10 23
2 2 Gibson Ted ON9 Ontario Association of Archers477 5 22
3 3 Lacroix Matt ON9 Ontario Association of Archers439 4 10
Barebow Pre-Cub Women
1 1 Breitkopf Kaelyn ON9 Ontario Association of Archers172 0 1
Compound Cub Men
1 1 Villanueva Dylan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers565 26 33
2 2 Thevar Madhavan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers455 6 16
Compound Cadet Men
1 1 Thomas Evan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers541 10 41
2 2 St-Amour Sebastien ON9 Ontario Association of Archers527 6 44
Compound Cadet Women
1 1 DiNardo Isabella ON9 Ontario Association of Archers453 1 15
Compound Master Men
1 1 Clayton Dave ON9 Ontario Association of Archers564 27 31
Compound Women
1 1 Savage Racheal ON9 Ontario Association of Archers570 31 28
2 2 Lee Erin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers569 30 29
3 3 Gairdner Ashley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers549 14 41
4 4 Rooke Jess ON9 Ontario Association of Archers526 6 38
Compound Fixed Pin Men
1 1 Boyd Jason ON9 Ontario Association of Archers539 9 42
Recurve Cub Men
1 1 Breitkopf Kyle ON9 Ontario Association of Archers461 8 15
Recurve Cub Women
1 1 Clarkson Ella ON9 Ontario Association of Archers515 11 22
Recurve Cadet Men
1 1 Lee Benjamen ON9 Ontario Association of Archers541 20 31
2 2 Gupta Devaang ON9 Ontario Association of Archers525 16 18
3 3 Kalenda Victor ON9 Ontario Association of Archers516 10 27
4 4 Murphy Julian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers500 7 24
5 5 De Shane-Gill Aidan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers478 9 15
6 6 Sbrocca Aaron ON9 Ontario Association of Archers464 5 19
Recurve Cadet Women
1 1 Villafranca Alba Lucia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers530 15 23
2 2 DeZeeuw Brianna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers508 10 24
3 3 Chan Natalee ON9 Ontario Association of Archers481 11 14
4 4 Corona Charlise ON9 Ontario Association of Archers441 8 11
5 5 Gardiner Sarah ON9 Ontario Association of Archers418 4 13
6 6 Hassanien Jala ON9 Ontario Association of Archers370 3 9
7 7 Roden Stephanie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers351 1 7
8 8 Roden Julia ON Ontario Association of Archers338 3 3
Recurve Junior Men
1 1 Waslen Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers561 30 22
1 1 de St. Croix Jake ON9 Ontario Association of Archers0 0 0
2 2 Edwards Hayden ON9 Ontario Association of Archers541 18 28
3 3 Wilson-Poyton Reece ON9 Ontario Association of Archers533 22 25
Recurve Junior Women
1 1 Stevens Woo Lyla ON9 Ontario Association of Archers542 19 26
2 2 Hirt Laura ON9 Ontario Association of Archers522 14 24
3 3 Ireland Rachael ON9 Ontario Association of Archers521 13 25
4 4 Breitkopf Emily ON9 Ontario Association of Archers516 12 23
5 5 Rockburn Katie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers513 15 9
6 6 Janecek Samantha ON9 Ontario Association of Archers476 7 17
7 7 Standish Emily ON9 Ontario Association of Archers364 4 5
Recurve Men
1 1 Duenas Crispin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers594 54 6
2 2 Azores Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers573 37 19
3 3 Sorley Conner SK7 Saskatchewan Archery Association564 29 27
4 4 Lawrance Thomas ON9 Ontario Association of Archers559 28 24
5 5 Mozhar Alexander ON9 Ontario Association of Archers556 26 27
6 6 Kim Danny Byung Ju ON9 Ontario Association of Archers526 14 28
7 7 Richardson Liam ON9 Ontario Association of Archers519 13 26
8 8 Knauer Joshua ON9 Ontario Association of Archers518 13 24
9 9 Wong Robert ON9 Ontario Association of Archers517 17 20
10 10 van der Ploeg Norman ON9 Ontario Association of Archers492 11 18
11 11 Singh Ravi ON9 Ontario Association of Archers351 3 5
Recurve Master Men
1 1 Van der Nest Jacobus ON9 Ontario Association of Archers525 15 27
2 2 Chaput Alain ON9 Ontario Association of Archers502 12 19
3 3 Savage Bruce ON9 Ontario Association of Archers481 8 19
4 4 Tschoban Roman ON9 Ontario Association of Archers375 3 8
Recurve Master Women
1 1 Relf Cathy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers517 15 22
2 2 Haroon Noraini ON9 Ontario Association of Archers494 6 24
3 3 Cashman Silvie Gabrielle ON9 Ontario Association of Archers491 9 20
Recurve Pre-Cub Women
1 1 Yorath Zoe ON9 Ontario Association of Archers476 6 18
Recurve Women
1 1 Edwards Tania ON9 Ontario Association of Archers557 28 22
2 2 Barrett Stephanie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers556 25 28
3 3 Davidson Shannon ON9 Ontario Association of Archers554 31 21
4 4 Vrakking Kateri ON9 Ontario Association of Archers550 23 26
5 5 Tanner Ashlee ON9 Ontario Association of Archers548 21 29
6 6 Kutertan Susan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers534 19 29
7 7 Sederavicius Lina ON9 Ontario Association of Archers521 17 17
8 8 Duenas Lauren ON9 Ontario Association of Archers511 12 24
9 9 Scholbeck Lucas ON9 Ontario Association of Archers505 9 26
10 10 Bryant Deirdre ON9 Ontario Association of Archers496 10 15
11 11 Gorospe Florence ON9 Ontario Association of Archers488 12 18
12 12 Orchanian-Cheff Ani ON9 Ontario Association of Archers470 5 21
13 13 Breitkopf Janice ON9 Ontario Association of Archers227 1 3
Compound Unlimited Master Men
1 1 Clayton Dave ON9 Ontario Association of Archers578 38 22
2 2 Priester Chris ON9 Ontario Association of Archers570 30 30
3 3 Yourth Scott ON9 Ontario Association of Archers559 23 33