Competition Detail
Competition Code2019397
Date20 July 2019
OrganizerON - Ontario Association of Archers
PlaceHuntsville, ON
NameOntario Target Championships
DescriptionProvincial Championship (Registered WA/AC)
OptionsFinals - Register for World & Canadian Records
Notes2019 Target Championships

Day 1: Double 720 - Saturday 9am
Day 2: Single Elimination - Sunday 9am
Equipment Inspection is available Friday 6pm or Saturday 8am
Date: July 20th & 21st

Wilderness Bowhunters & Archers In Muskoka
Location - Huntsville Agricultural Society
407 Ravenscliffe Rd, Huntsville, ON P1H 1L7

WA Number 21093

Approved by Kylah 04/29/2019
Final rank Qualification rank Archer Club Total Golds X/Nines
Barebow Master Men
0 0 McMillen Terry ON9 Ontario Association of Archers200 0 0
0 2 Costello Ray ON9 Ontario Association of Archers506 0 0
Compound Cub Men
0 3 Hoy Trevor ON9 Ontario Association of Archers618 0 0
0 3 Austin Riley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers550 0 0
1 1 Taylor Sam ON9 Ontario Association of Archers619 0 0
Compound Cub Women
0 2 Walton Anna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers585 0 0
Compound Cadet Men
0 1 Watson Dustin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers677 0 0
0 5 Larmour Jason ON9 Ontario Association of Archers641 0 0
2 2 Claro Kruz ON9 Ontario Association of Archers641 0 0
4 3 Walton Graham ON9 Ontario Association of Archers607 0 0
5 4 Greenough Ian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers591 0 0
6 5 Law-Grant Colin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers459 0 0
Compound Cadet Women
0 3 Shebib Kate ON9 Ontario Association of Archers585 0 0
0 0 Brookes Tessa ON9 Ontario Association of Archers482 0 0
0 2 Bunn Abbigail ON9 Ontario Association of Archers642 0 0
0 0 Pacheco Hanna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers519 0 0
Compound Junior Men
0 0 Thomas Evan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers636 0 0
0 4 St-Amour Sebastien ON9 Ontario Association of Archers672 0 0
Compound Junior Women
0 4 Dodds Makayla ON9 Ontario Association of Archers619 0 0
Compound Men
0 0 Watson Dave ON9 Ontario Association of Archers615 0 0
0 4 Reid Larry ON9 Ontario Association of Archers650 0 0
0 3 Baniski Metodi ON9 Ontario Association of Archers670 0 0
0 1 Cooper Brian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers684 0 0
0 0 Nott Robbie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers696 0 0
0 0 Fagan Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers693 0 0
Compound Master Men
0 3 Doherty John ON9 Ontario Association of Archers628 0 0
0 6 Cooper Mort ON9 Ontario Association of Archers644 0 0
0 2 Horlock Robin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers639 0 0
4 4 Howse Michael ON9 Ontario Association of Archers617 0 0
5 5 Wun Kent ON9 Ontario Association of Archers461 0 0
Compound Master Women
0 1 Van Nest Karen ON9 Ontario Association of Archers669 0 0
0 2 Cooper Donna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers561 0 0
Compound Pre-Cub Women
1 1 Turyk Mackenzie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers177 0 0
Compound Women
0 0 Madahbee Sheila ON9 Ontario Association of Archers615 0 0
0 0 Horlock Kaitlyn ON9 Ontario Association of Archers665 0 0
0 2 Maude Fiona ON9 Ontario Association of Archers667 0 0
0 3 McClean Fiona ON9 Ontario Association of Archers674 0 0
0 1 Roth Katie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers675 0 0
Compound Fixed Pin Master Men
1 1 Landrie John ON9 Ontario Association of Archers611 0 0
Recurve Cub Women
0 1 Khan Arevalo Audrey ON9 Ontario Association of Archers502 0 0
Recurve Cadet Men
0 0 De Shane-Gill Aidan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers532 0 0
0 0 Thomas Matthew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers532 0 0
0 0 Villanueva Dylan ON9 Ontario Association of Archers549 0 0
0 0 Bourgeois Samuel ON9 Ontario Association of Archers438 0 0
0 3 Kubica Jamie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers592 0 0
Recurve Cadet Women
0 1 Wun Monique ON9 Ontario Association of Archers552 0 0
0 0 Corona Charlise ON9 Ontario Association of Archers552 0 0
0 0 DeZeeuw Brianna ON9 Ontario Association of Archers572 0 0
0 2 Gagne Amelia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers572 0 0
Recurve Junior Men
0 4 Edwards Hayden ON9 Ontario Association of Archers584 0 0
0 0 Murphy Julian ON9 Ontario Association of Archers582 0 0
0 0 Lynch David ON9 Ontario Association of Archers579 0 0
0 0 Mun-Shimoda Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers318 0 0
0 3 Lee Benjamen ON9 Ontario Association of Archers595 0 0
0 0 Langley Zachary ON9 Ontario Association of Archers521 0 0
0 2 Wilson-Poyton Reece ON9 Ontario Association of Archers631 0 0
0 1 Gupta Devaang ON9 Ontario Association of Archers611 0 0
Recurve Junior Women
0 3 Chai Sarah-Grace ON9 Ontario Association of Archers478 0 0
0 1 Breitkopf Emily ON9 Ontario Association of Archers581 0 0
0 2 Villafranca Alba Lucia ON9 Ontario Association of Archers553 0 0
0 2 Valliere Ryli ON9 Ontario Association of Archers516 0 0
0 0 Rampton-Siedule Sandra ON9 Ontario Association of Archers470 0 0
Recurve Men
0 0 Telford Tom ON9 Ontario Association of Archers559 0 0
0 0 Deabreu Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers586 0 0
0 0 Bogoev John ON9 Ontario Association of Archers572 0 0
0 3 Azores Andrew ON9 Ontario Association of Archers633 0 0
0 5 Nguyen Hamilton ON9 Ontario Association of Archers586 0 0
0 4 Sorley Conner SK7 Saskatchewan Archery Association606 0 0
0 2 Permaul Devin ON9 Ontario Association of Archers625 0 0
0 6 Fulsang Bradley ON9 Ontario Association of Archers628 0 0
0 1 Xuereb Brandon ON9 Ontario Association of Archers639 0 0
0 0 El-Halawani Mohamed ON9 Ontario Association of Archers522 0 0
0 0 Knauer Joshua ON9 Ontario Association of Archers515 0 0
0 0 van der Ploeg Norman ON067 The Archers of Caledon503 0 0
Recurve Master Men
0 2 Konopacky Paul ON9 Ontario Association of Archers589 0 0
0 1 Van der Nest Jacobus ON9 Ontario Association of Archers593 0 0
0 4 Kim Richard ON9 Ontario Association of Archers589 0 0
0 5 Chaput Alain ON9 Ontario Association of Archers536 0 0
3 3 Dagenais Pierre ON9 Ontario Association of Archers540 0 0
Recurve Master Women
0 2 Relf Cathy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers542 0 0
Recurve Women
0 0 Guessaier Chiraz ON9 Ontario Association of Archers419 0 0
0 0 Siedule Connie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers501 0 0
0 0 Sederavicius Lina ON9 Ontario Association of Archers522 0 0
0 4 Yang Luyi ON9 Ontario Association of Archers571 0 0
0 3 Edwards Tania ON9 Ontario Association of Archers598 0 0
0 1 Barrett Stephanie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers612 0 0
0 2 Chenier Virginie QC Federation de tir a l'arc du Quebec622 0 0
Compound Unlimited Men
1 1 Watts Tim ON9 Ontario Association of Archers668 0 0
2 2 Piette Robert ON9 Ontario Association of Archers667 0 0
3 3 Woodcock Wayne ON9 Ontario Association of Archers625 0 0
Compound Unlimited Master Men
1 1 Bourgeois Andy ON9 Ontario Association of Archers653 0 0
2 2 Argue Rick ON9 Ontario Association of Archers603 0 0
Compound Unlimited Women
1 1 Lamoureux Sophie ON9 Ontario Association of Archers524 0 0